Testing packages

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

$347 USD

Mineral Analysis with HTMA

Minerals are like the spark plugs of our bodies, required for nearly every metabolic process. Since we can’t produce minerals ourselves, we need to get them from our diet. Ideally, we’d get all our minerals through whole foods and the water we drink, but modern challenges like depleted soils, industrial agriculture, processed foods, busy lifestyles, incorrect supplementation, and environmental toxins leave us mineral-depleted.

In clinical practice, there’s an amazing tool called Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). This affordable and effective method provides key insights into your nutritional status over the past three months (and longer). The HTMA can reveal hidden deficiencies and toxicities of heavy metals.

Many people spend thousands on supplements they "think" they need, which might help but could also be a stress on their system.

With HTMA, we can see exactly what your body needs and where it needs support. How cool is that?

Mineral Imbalance Can Lead to Many Unwanted Symptoms:

  • Fatigue and low energy

  • Skin issues

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Bloating, constipation, digestive discomfort

  • Low thyroid function

  • Sluggish metabolism

  • Weight gain

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • And more!

With an HTMA test, we can create a personalized plan that includes foods, lifestyle changes, and supplements tailored to your individuality.

If this sounds like information you’d love to know about yourself, I’m excited to share it with you, this is available in both Australia and the United States.

HTMA Session Includes:

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test

  • 75-minute test review session

  • Individualized HTMA recommendations

  • Full HTMA Test summary with notes and details about your markers

  • And as a bonus, you'll also receive 20% off supplements!

Wheat Zoomer Package

$497 USD

This is the package for you if you are struggling with digestive discomfort, joint pain, skin inflammation, leaky gut, low energy, weight gain/loss, headaches and or brain fog.

  • The Wheat Zoomer Identifies

    • Wheat and gluten sensitivity, allergies, leaky gut/intestinal permeability, celiac disease and gluten related disorders.

  • Peptide level testing is a clear way to identify what is happening with the relationship between your immune system and wheat and gluten peptides and shows if your gut lining is compromised.

  • 16 page report

  • At home finger prick test no need to go on for blood collection

  • 45 min 1:1 Consultation with Jacqui

  • Customized nutrition and supplements recommendations

  • This is a great test to see if being on a gluten free diet will support your health, vitality and overall wellbeing. Test don’t guess!

Dutch Hormone Package

$750 USD

To become aware of the way that we perceive the world is one of the most important parts of a healing journey. It can be confusing and we may not think we are very stressed when we very well may be.

The Dutch test give us a look into what is actually going on with your stress response and hormones.

The nervous system is the key that unlocks the door to healing. And this data is a great place to start.

What is the DUTCH TEST?

Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones

Real data on your hormones

  • Dutch Complete Test sent to your home

  • Urine test with 4 easy collections 

  • Shipping included

  • Get real insight into what is going on with your cortisol levels, stress response, estrogen, progesterone, hormone metabolism and organic acids.

  • This test was an absolute game changer for me when I was lost with my own health.

2 x 45 minute consultations

  • Sit down with a Jacqui to review the results to learn the exact steps to take to balance your hormones and unlock key data points to move forward with improving your health.

  • With your results we can specify lifestyle, diet and supplement recommendations for your unique story.

  • 1 session to review results + initial recommendations

  • 1 session to check in on your progress and guide your next steps

  • 20% off of supplements

“Before working with Jacqui I was constantly tired, lethargic and had big mood/energy swings. I had a super intense, uncomfortable, painful menstrual cycle. And I also had a digestive system that moved extremely quickly with loose stool/diarrhea often.

I was nervous about having to give up foods I love and having to change my diet. It was difficult at first but now I've found amazing, nutritious alternatives that I love even more. With the changes in diet I now have a much more nutrient dense, healthy lifestyle that supports my digestion and hormones...and this feels so good!”


  • For the United States, shipping is included. For other countries shipping will be different prices depending on where you are in the world. Please contact Jacqui with further questions.

  • USA, Australia & Canada

  • All the test offered here are at home tests that you collect in the comfort of your own home. They are urine or dried blood samples.