Salmon Cakes


1 x 415g can of wild caught salmon 

3 pasture raised eggs

1/2 cup of almond or hazelnut meal

1/4 cup of fresh herbs (cilantro or parsley)

1/2 teaspoon of sea salt or himalayan salt

Optional 1 tsp dried ground coriander seed (my personal favorite)

3-4 tablespoons of grass-fed ghee, avocado or coconut oil for cooking


  1. Drain liquid from salmon

  2. Mix all ingredients really well together in a bowl with a fork (except cooking fat).

  3. Form patties with your hands into whatever size you like.

  4. Heat up cast iron and generously add your desired fat 

  5. Allow cooking fat to heat up.

  6. Place patties into the fat and allow them to crisp up - this should be about 3 minutes depending on your pan (I like using a cast iron or stainless steel).

  7. Flip and allow the other side to crisp up for another 3 minutes.

  8. Once these are done, set to the side.

  9. Add more fat to the pan and repeat until you’ve cooked all your patties!

  10. Enjoy on top of a salad or as a blood sugar balancing snack throughout your day!

Erin Holt turned me on to this recipe. You can see the original here.


Protein Pancakes


Zoom Balls